Membership/Green Fees


Membership enables a member to use the full facilities of the Club including dining.
Also members are able to participate in Club Competitions and obtain  an official Golf Australia Handicap.
It also gives  a member a chance to play golf at other Reciprocal Courses at no charge or reduced fees.

Annual Club Membership  Playing Times  Fees
7 day full member  (ordinary) Monday to Sunday $600
5 day weekly (restricted) Monday to Friday $500
Under 25 student/membership (18-24) Monday to Sunday $330
Junior (Under 18) Monday to Sunday $60
Family membership (2 adults and children) Monday to Sunday $1100

DISTANCE MEMBERSHIP at KILMORE GOLF CLUB. $400-  12- month Full Membership is available to interested players who reside more than 40km from Kilmore. It entitles players to full membership rights, access to the golf course every day of the week, payment of affiliation fees. For further information email

Discounted 1st time full membership of KGC of $400 for the first year.

Social pass $200-

SOCIAL GOLF PASS – essentially for those who are members at other clubs but live locally
and wish to use the course for practice or for those who desire to play just social golf.
If the holder is a member of another Golf Club and has a GolfLink Number he/she may play in
Club Competitions on payment of $10 competition fee. Club Competitions are held on
Wednesdays and Saturdays hit off at 9.30 am.
• Must apply by completing a Social Pass Application Form which can be downloaded from this
website. Payment should accompany application.
• Holders are entitled to use of the Club playing facilities at any time, 7 days a week, provided
course is open and not during Club Competitions on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
• None of the privileges of a member are available such as discounts on food, drinks, cart hire.
• Holders do not have voting rights.
• Participation in Club Competitions only available if holder is a member of another club, has a
GolfLink Number and pays the Competition Fee of $10.
• Holder must display his/her SOCIAL PASS tag on their bag with name and date of expiry clearly
displayed. The social pass is colour coded for each year.
• Cost $200 per year. Membership Year commences 1st October. Pro rata available. Calculated
to the nearest quarter.
• Not transferable. Only the holder of the Pass may use it.
• It is essential that pass holders carry a sand bucket and fill in any divots made.

We pride ourselves that we are able to keep these fees low.
Compare the charges of the Metropolitan Courses.
A pro-rata is also available.

You can also pay by a monthly direct debit via ‘Pay As You Golf’.


Non Member Daily Green Fees    
Class Time 9/18 Holes  
Adult Monday to Friday $25  
Adult Saturday & Sunday $30  
Junior Monday to Sunday $10  

Carts available for hire only until 12:30 midday- $40 per cart.

Ph 0408486853 to book, preferably the day before.